06 Apr Lloyd Loom Manufacturing Showing at the Farm Shop and Deli Show
Lloyd Loom will be at the Farm Shop & Deli Show 2015, taking place at the NEC, Birmingham, from 20 to 22 April.
We have had the pleasure of supplying Lloyd Loom to many businesses, our Managing Director, Steve Duncan has worked with and supplied Lloyd Loom furniture to many fantastic Farm Shop Café projects:
Blacker Hall Farm Shop in Calder Grove.
To win one of the FARMA awards you have to be very good. Blacker Hall Farm Shop is just that. (http://blackerhallfarmshop.co.uk/)
Bolster Moore Farm Shop in Huddersfield.
A local family farm shop, which brings you championship butchers, homemade bakery, fine produce & cosy coffee shop. (http://www.bolstermoorfarmshop.co.uk/)
The Balloon Tree Farm Shop in Helmsley.
An award winning farm shop and café looking out onto a landscaped garden – bringing the outside in. (http://www.theballoontree.co.uk/)
If you are interested in looking at our furniture, or have a café or farm shop projects of your own, why not come to the Farm Shop and Deli show at the NEC. The show runs from 20th to 22nd of April and you will see us there, stand number K109.
If you have any special requests or need help or advice with our Lloyd Loom products please get in touch or Call us on 01775 767011